Louise is a registered dietician who has 14 years of experience in practice with professional sports men and women, lifestyle and wellness improvements, and family nutrition.
“Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food” “All disease begins in the gut” “The first wealth is health”
There is no blanket approach to wellness and nutrition, what is suitable for one person and their goals my be totally wrong for the next. Nutrition strategies are important when it comes to everyday lifestyle and wellness.
The afternoon slump, the gaining of weight for no reason, poor sleep, average performance times, constant illness, bloating and gut discomfort…. All of these things are daily improved by looking closely at your daily intake of foods.
If you are sick of being sick, or tired of being tired, or maybe just had enough of the stubborn tyre around your middle… its time to relook your nutrition.
Our Registered Dietician can help you with all of the above and more! Book an appointment with her to reimagine your wellness and become the best version of yourself! Sports NutritionWomens health (Menopause, hormonal balance)Gut health (IBS, IBD, bloating, discomfort..)Weight managementLifestyle improvement (Sleep, energy and wellness)Lifestyle disease (Diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension)DNA and Functional testing3D body scanning